Anna’s Story – Instalment 2

The world changes – always!  When Anna returns to Vancouver after the wonderful year she spent in Shetland Islands, she is not the same little girl.  A year older and much more understanding about her parents’ love for their childhood home, she still is glad to be back with her friends and familiar surroundings.

It is a troubling time for our old world.  On September 1st 1939, World War II starts.  Well trained and obedient, Hitler’s troops sweep across Europe.  In 1940 alone these countries fall to them: Denmark, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, and Jersey/Guernsey (British islands in the ocean channel between Europe and England), and Norway.  Soon, almost all of Europe is under Hitler’s command. 

Meanwhile, in Vancouver, 1940 sees Anna turning twelve, safe in school.  Although just a child, she senses the anxiety in her parents.  War she does not understand, except that it is a time when dangerous people take what they want.  She realizes that Norway is close to Shetland, and she is afraid.

“Will those people want Shetland too?”

“We don’t think so, Anna.  Time will tell.  Perhaps the islands are too small to be important.”

“But on a clear day, Mummy, I could see Norway.  It is so close to Shetland!”

“Leave it now, dear.  Sometimes we can’t change things, and then we must wait and see.  Go and play with your friends.”

“Sometimes we can’t change things” is not typical of the attitude of the Shetland Islanders, but sometimes a child must be sheltered from reality.  Anna’s Mummy was not surprised by the amazing things which the Islanders, and people working with them, accomplished: The outside world was.  Join us for the next chapter in “Anna’s Story.”


Filed under This & That

10 Responses to Anna’s Story – Instalment 2

  1. Elfrieda Neufeld Schroeder

    Is this your story, Marjorie? What a great idea to do it in installments on the blog!

    • Marjorie

      Thanks for your comment, and glad you like it. This is not fiction, Elfrieda. It is a story, a part of a very interesting woman’s life. I was fortunate enough to meet her not long ago. The reason for writing short essays is an attempt to keep the readers’ interest up as I skip through her life. That I can attempt – a real biography would be way beyond what I can do, or want to do. Marjorie G.

  2. How timely a story as the nation to the south of us goes sideways! So many of the stories of my childhood that taught me courage and endurance came from the people who faced such desperate times. You have us hooked, Marjorie. We can’t wait for the next installment!

    • Marjorie

      Yes, Laurna – Anna’s stories are from the time of WW2, but the world seems to vacillate between times of growth, prosperity and happiness, and times of trouble, desperation and danger. The price of getting through the tough times may be high indeed. Look at the people who died, in their effort to help others survive! The next installment is one such story.

  3. Alison

    Always glad to see you are still writing! I think of you often, and hope you are doing OK. We’re getting excited about Christmas, and the chance to spend it with our daughter and family, and 2 year old grandaughter! A chance to relax, and to escape from the “world news” for a few days.

    • Marjorie

      Alison – good to hear from you, and glad you are still reading! Life is full of connections, which bring memories – and so our lives progress. Enjoy your growing clan. How about an email picture?

  4. Susan McCalla

    I love ‘listening’ to your stories Marjorie.
    I hope this note finds you in good spirits.

    Thinking of you with a smile on my face….

    • Marjorie

      Anna is a very interesting person, and so are the stories I accumulate from her. There will be a few more. Glad you are still “listening,” Susan.

  5. Cynthia

    Marjorie, I love your interest in people and how you make everyone feel welcome and important. I love you and miss you. Thank you for sharing.

    • Marjorie

      Nice to hear from you again. Relationships are so important, aren’t they? Emails are great, but it will be nice to see your face again.